The Village Neighbourhood

The Village is a unique ‘Traditional Neighbourhood Design’ Subdivision with narrow pedestrian friendly roads, rear lanes and underground stormwater management facilities located within Park areas. SCS Consulting Group was responsible for the preliminary design, detailed design, overall coordination, inspection and monitoring of the earthworks, removal of unsuitable fill and site servicing for this project.
SCS civil works included the review and revisions to the original preliminary grading and servicing design completed by another consultant for the subdivision. Other responsibilities included coordination of subconsultants and liaising with approval agencies to attain an aggressive completion schedule. Successful negotiations with the Town resulted in the strategic realignment of proposed utilities within the Garrison Village Drive right-of-way to avoid removal and replacement of a live sanitary sewer and watermain.
SCS field servicing included the coordination and inspection of the sanitary sewer, storm sewer and watermain and stormwater management facilities. SCS coordinated with residents, Town staff and Contractor to facilitate the successful completion of the project. SCS acted as liaison between the Town, and Contractor to ensure the project’s crucial deadline was achieved.
Highlights of the project include:
- Approximately 200 unit ‘Traditional Neighbourhood Design’ subdivision.
- Construction of one stormwater management pond and one underground stormwater management reservoir.