Highland Gate Golf Course Redevelopment

SCS Consulting Group was retained by Highland Gate Developments Inc. as the lead consultant responsible for the engineering design of the subdivision, from the Draft Plan/Ontario Municipal Board stages of the project through detailed design, and construction stages of the project. The redevelopment of the golf course consists of 159 single-detached dwellings and a future condominium building in close proximity to Yonge Street. The development consists of 7 separate development areas, each distinct in geometry, terrain, and their relation to the natural environment. The redevelopment efficiently utilized the linear nature of the previous golf course while ensuring expansive preservation of the environmentally sensitive areas on the property.
A unique aspect of the development is its interface with more than 500 neighbouring residential properties. This warranted an extensive consultation process with the neighbouring property owners by providing appropriate buffers and mitigation measures. These efforts helped create a seamless transition between the existing mature community and the proposed infill development.
The grading design of the development posed a unique challenge often dictating the layout of the Draft Plan to minimize the use of retaining walls to the greatest extent possible and ensuring all drainage is captured on the development lands with no detrimental impact to the existing neighbouring properties.
The Stormwater Management solution for the development incorporated an innovative treatment train approach eliminating any requirement for traditional end of pipe facilities (i.e. SWM Ponds). Each of the 7 development areas has its own distinct Stormwater Management solution, mostly utilizing a combination of oversized storm sewers and biofiltration or infiltration trenches within the Municipal right-of-way. To accommodate these innovative servicing strategies, an alternative design standard right-of-way section was created specifically for this development.
Highlights of the project include:
- Seven (7) distinct development areas each requiring a unique servicing solution;
- Incorporated innovated Stormwater Management solutions, including the use of LID’s within the Municipal right-of-way and oversized storm sewers;
- Alternative design standard right-of-way section for single-loaded roads incorporating Municipal LID’s;
- Trenchless construction via micro-tunneling and horizontal directional drilling; and,
- Regional drainage improvements along Bathurst Street to protect the existing residential properties.