Carberry Lands

SCS Consulting Group undertook project management, detailed design and contract administration for this 108 lot subdivision. The project was an in-fill development in the existing Vales of Castlemore Community Residential Subdivision, in the City of Brampton. SCS staff worked closely with the City of Brampton, Region of Peel and Toronto Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) to finalize a servicing concept and to secure final approval, to facilitate this residential development.
Detailed design and construction coordination for the in-fill subdivision involved extensive coordination with the surrounding existing subdivisions to ensure that the development matched boundary conditions at all limits of the site. Coordination with the TRCA was also required to accommodate site grading adjacent to the west Humber River Valley and to obtain approval of a large external regional storm flow diversion through the site to the river, which was originally approved to simply spill along the right of ways.
Highlights of the project include:
- Conveyance of the 100 year stormwater flows was required through the Carberry Development Lands due to an existing external stormwater pond immediately upstream of the site. Storm sewer sizes were minimized while maintains a safe hydraulic separation from the basements. A Regional spill route was also required through the site.
- Servicing of the development with a three-pipe system, including storm sewer, sanitary sewer and Foundation Drain Collector (FDC) sewer, due to a shallow storm outlet condition.
- Extensive coordination with Hydro One Brampton and Bell Canada.
- Significant coordination between the Client, Contractor, City, and Region to accommodate matching boundary conditions, including existing residential lots, Countryside Drive and a number of existing roads within the surrounding subdivisions.
- Construction staging to fill an existing active ditch and re-direct its flows through the new storm sewers.
- Completed cost sharing review and represented Monarch by coordinating with the Group Engineer.
- Significantly reduced Monarch’s proportionate share by completing engineering analysis of downstream contribution.