Group Engineering

SCS Consulting Group is proud to have served as the Group Engineer for numerous Landowner Groups, providing cost sharing services ranging from the preparation of the initial draft of the cost sharing principles to issuance of the final trustee release and takes pride in being an industry leader in this field.
SCS Consulting Group Ltd. also acts as the Group Manager for several land owners groups and provide design and contract administration services for core infrastructure projects.
Typical Projects Include:
- South Unionville Landowner’s Group, City of Markham
- Greensborough Landowner’s Group, City of Markham
- Box Grove Landowner’s Group, Whitchurch-Stouffville
- North Greensborough Landowner’s Group, City of Markham
- Northwest Sutton Landowner’s Group, Town of Georgina
- Berczy Village Landowner’s Group, City of Markham
- Aurora 2C Landowners, Town of Aurora
- Bond Head Developers Group, BWG
- 400/88 Developers Group, Town of Bradford
- Midhurst Landowners Group
- North-west Paris Developers Group
- West Whitby Developers Group