Savena Cove Homes Inc.

The Savena Cove Project is a residential development in the Town of Whitchurch-Stouffville containing a large multi-use school block for the York Catholic District School Board. The project includes several unique design characteristics related to Stormwater Management and Site Servicing. SCS Consulting Group was the lead consultant responsible for the engineering design of the subdivision, and obtaining agency approvals.
The Stormwater Management solution for the development includes a suite of unique design elements emulating a treatment train approach for the entire development. A portion of the site is serviced by oversized storm sewers within the Municipal right-of-way in combination with catchbasin traps for at source removal along with end of pipe Municipal filtration chambers to provide the necessary enhance level quality control. The system also incorporates a centralized Municipal infiltration facility to ensure water balance targets are met in accordance with TRCA guidelines. A traditional SWM pond is also proposed to service a portion of the site, outletting to a constructed wetland.
The sanitary servicing for the subdivision incorporated the extension of the Town’s sub-trunk #10 across the Regional right-of-way of Ninth Line and through the internal road network of the development. The sanitary sewer crossing of Ninth Line posed many challenges related to alignment, depth, geotechnical constraints, and a previous failed attempt by another party. To mitigate these concerns, the sewer was designed as a micro-tunneling program. These works were identified in the Town Development Charge Background Study and were under heavy scrutiny from all stakeholders. The works were successfully constructed with minimal impact to the community.
Extensive coordination with the York Catholic District School Board was also required to ensure the seamless and efficient delivery of their proposed multi-use school facility (i.e. Elementary School, Secondary School, and Child Care Facility) within the plan of subdivision. Several unique design elements related to the grading and servicing within the school site were coordinated with the Board to satisfy the specific design challenges presented on this site. These elements were efficiently coordinated with the Board’s consulting team to allow the site plan design to proceed simultaneously with the subdivision design.
Highlights of the project include:
- Multiple SWM facilities including a traditional SWM Pond outletting to constructed wetland, oversized storm sewers, Municipal filtration chambers (i.e. Jellyfish), a centralized Municipal infiltration facility;
- Micro-tunneling of sanitary sewer across Ninth Line;
- Extension of Sanitary Sub-Trunk #10 throughout development;
- Large multi-use school facility; and,
- Regional intersection improvements along Ninth Line to accommodate the new intersection at Meridian Drive.