North West Sutton

SCS Consulting Group has been retained by the North West Sutton Landowners Group to act as the Group Engineer in support of the Land Use Concept Plan. The North West Sutton Development Area is bounded; on the south by Baseline Road; on the east by Dalton Road; and on the west by the Sutton Urban Boundary. The lands directly north of the Study Area are predominately forested environmental lands.
As Group Engineer, SCS assisted the Landowners Group in establishing fair and equitable Cost Sharing principles. Once the principles were agreed to, SCS then worked with the landowners and the Group Trustee to create the Cost Sharing Agreement and supporting schedule updates. SCS now manages the Agreement as it applies to the development process, by managing the cost sharing schedule updates.
Highlights of the project include:
- Manage Cost Sharing Schedule updates based on engineering drawings and contracts to complete the Engineer’s Certificate to facilitate Trustee Release in accordance with the Secondary Plan Conditions.
- Administered Cost Sharing Administration transaction.
- Organize and Chair Landowner Group Meeting.